What is the Digital Services Act (DSA)?

What is the Digital Services Act (DSA)?

Introduction to DSA

As of 25 August 2023, the Digital Services Act (DSA) is now in effect as a new regulatory framework that oversees digital services and platforms. It is one of two important rules that create a new system for managing digital platforms in the EU, with the other being the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

DSA’s mission is to improve the safety of European internet users from harmful and unlawful content by overseeing the operations of major online platforms such as social networks, video-sharing sites, online shops, and search engines. It includes new rules to deal with bad or dangerous content and encourage openness. 

How does DSA affect the businesses?

The DSA requires online platforms to report illegal content, work with legal authorities, give priority to reports from reliable organizations, block accounts sharing illegal content, avoid ads targeting minors or sensitive data, check the identity of online sellers, evaluate risks related to illegal content, privacy breaches, freedom of speech, public health, or safety, and reduce risks through safety measures. 

All businesses involved with SaaS platforms, APIs, marketplaces, e-commerce, or similar sectors will be held liable for the data that their users upload. It is their duty to guarantee that the uploaded information is not sensitive or explicit.

How can Eden AI help you with DSA?

To be able to remove confidential information, deactivate unauthorized accounts and protect their customers, businesses need to have the ability to spot offensive material and evaluate how sensitive data is when it moves through their internet services.

Utilizing AI is vital for companies to guarantee safety and compliance with the DSA regulations. Eden AI can help you comply with the DSA by providing access to excellent AI-driven monitoring engines. 

For instnace, Eden AI provides access to Explicit content detection, which uses artificial intelligence to flag and identify inappropriate material in text, videos, and images. The techniques used include machine learning for images and videos and natural language processing for text.

This tool lets you use different NSFW identification engines at the same time, depending on the content you want to assess. With precise filters, you can cover different NSFW categories flexibly and comprehensively.

Using AI moderation services from companies such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Clarifai, PicPurify, SightEngine, and others will enable businesses to monitor and detect a broad spectrum of confidential data, precisely grouped into different categories.

These prohibited content types are spam, violence, toxic behavior (insults, bad language, threats, profanities), sexuality (nudity, suggestive content, explicit attire, pedophile pornography, etc.), finance-related material (gambling, money-related content, etc.), hate speech (harassment, threats, racism, extremism), illegal objects (drugs, weapons, piracy), gore, and others.

Furthermore, Eden AI offers APIs for anonymizing text, images, and documents, letting you securely remove any sensitive information from images. A unified platform and API manage all your moderation requirements, giving you simultaneous access to the leading moderation providers.


The Digital Services Act (DSA) is now in operation to regulate EU digital platforms for user safety. Eden AI's AI moderation engines can accurately identify inappropriate content in texts, images, videos, and audio. Businesses can use Eden AI's advanced moderation technology to comply with DSA requirements. 

Their multiple NSFW identification engines and anonymization APIs enable businesses to navigate DSA requirements effectively, therefore supporting a safer online environment.

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